Tribes in rural and remote areas of Kenya carry forward, from generation to generation, deeply held beliefs that include unproductive, and sometimes cruel, practices toward women. This patriarchal system can include violence, early forced marriages, and female genital mutilation.
One of their most prevalent and cruel beliefs is that a woman’s period is a curse. Culturally, menstruation is a shameful and embarrassing topic that never gets discussed, so young women grow up believing this lie.
Feminine hygiene products are not available in most rural areas, and when they are, they are unaffordable. Desperate, women turn to “do it yourself” solutions that are unhygienic and unreliable. Young women face a hard choice every month; go out in public with these makeshift solutions and risk ridicule and humiliation or stay home. Most stay home, hiding from the world and missing school.
This reoccurring embarrassment leads to low self-worth, creating submissive behavior and trauma, continuing the cycle.
GGFAN is partnering with “It’s Our Mission: Period!” which has a proven program for making and distributing washable cloth feminine hygiene solutions in marginalized communities. “Sister to Sister” organizes women volunteers to hold events for 100 young women in each community, combining discipleship, health education and trauma healing, renewing their confidence and enthusiasm for life.
One kit is designed to support a women’s needs for three years. Each kit costs $7.00 and is produced locally, providing jobs for women entrepreneurs. GGFAN’s expansive outreach network to rural communities in Kenya makes it a perfect partner for “It’s our Mission: Period!”. Our joint goal is to have 50 events that distribute 5000 kits by year end 2026.