GGFAN is committed to the development of its staff, children, and congregations through internal and external training. In addition, we operate a Pastors’ school that trains cohorts of indigenous leaders in a rigorous government-recognized 12-month program. Graduates learn how to grow their pastoral skills and their congregations.
At the leadership training school, GGFAN seeks to train indigenous leaders, pastors, and workers to help people in cities and remote areas get access to God's love. GGFAN works with teams to serve passionately in God's name following his will to reach out to people of all areas, cultures, and races, and bring them to Him.
We average 60 students a term who come in for a week every month for their training. So far, a total of over 300 pastors have been trained and sent back to their churches and communities. The pastors and leaders are from 11 different tribes and people groups and 21 denominations. The training has resulted in church growth, heightened discipleship activities, and mobilization of the church for missions.